Bad Advice Cost Foreigner His Dream Condominium

Our office had a recent transaction where the client is a Korean executive who has been residing in the Philippines and renting a condominium here in Bonifacio Global City Taguig. The Client was shown various properties and finally he saw one to his liking. Our office advised him that the unit was selling below market […]
Earnest Money in Buying Manila Properties – Should I Or Not? How Much? Safe?

Earnest Money Offer– is a tool that is used when a client is serious about a property. What is it, should I do it, how much, is it safe – these questions almost always require a lot of discussion and education. What is earnest money and why do I need it? The “book definition” of […]
Which Developer Should I Join To Sell Faster?

Many newcomers who are entering the Philippine Real Estate business have been asking me and recently on my last seminar for real estate agents, “Which Developer Should I Join To Sell Faster?” The question does not have a quick answer but rather has more questions to the person entering the field than the developers who […]
Real Estate Closing Costs – Taxes and Fees in the Philippines

A sale is not finished until the tax declaration is transferred in the name of the new owner. When I started my project selling career around 15 years ago I was with a developer who did majority of the paperworks as its service to both their marketing and their buyers as well – this included […]
Property Buying Process In The Philippines

I have been doing consultancy for different developers in the Philippines and an item that a developer wants to decrease is back outs due to inability to pay of a client. With stretched downpayments of 3,4,5 and even 6-year-payment terms, a buyer’s monthly investment of Php8,000 to Php15,000 is very affordable and manageable. This downpayment […]
7 Reasons Why Project Selling Is the Better Route To Start A Real Estate Career

7 Reasons Why Project Selling Is the Better Route To Start A Real Estate Career New brokers and agents have asked me where to start their real estate selling career. Do they enter brokerage or project selling? If you are new in the business and good at working with teams and meeting deadlines then project […]